Three $1000 Winners for 2013 Skinny Fiber Weight Loss Challenge

I want to extend a huge CONGRATULATIONS to the 3 winners of the Skinny Fiber Weight Loss Challenge ... These 3 people were the "biggest losers" for 2013 and won $1000 for their accomplishments during their personal 90 day challenges. They did an AWESOME job for sure!

#1 Alana Selena lost 56 lbs in 90 days!
#2 Annette Lucas lost 53 lbs in 90 days!
#3 Chandra Butcher lost 51 lbs in 90 days!

Here are the pictures for two of them. I am waiting for the 3rd one.

Annette losy 3 pounds with Skinny Fiber in 90 days!

Chandra lost 51 pounds with Skinny Fiber in 90 days.

Join the Skinny Fiber Weight Loss Challenge!

Are you impressed by the progress of these 3 winners?
Guess what? You can join the challenge and do this, too!

Just click the pink link on this WEIGHT LOSS CHALLENGE page and join us in learning, losing and winning in 2014. You can start at any time because the Skinny Fiber Challenge is based on each person's 90 day results. See you there :)

Hugs & Blessings!




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