Dieting often focuses on calories, carbs, fats and tracking. However, healthy eating patterns are not just about the food you eat, but also about when and how you eat. The way you eat and involve your senses will have a direct impact on your dietary habits, so instead of concentrating on telling you what foods to eat over and over again, this article shares tips as part of your approach to help you manage how you eat to lose weight.
How To Eat For Weight Loss
1. Chew Your Food SlowlyOn average, how many times do you chew each mouthful? The answer is probably not enough. Food should be chewed up to 30 times, which may seem a lot but thorough chewing can aid weight loss. It takes around 20 minutes for your brain to register chemical signals that tell it you're full, so the quicker you swallow your food the more you are likely to consume before your brain realises you've had enough. Chewing longer and well will help you to eat more slowly, appreciate your meal, eat less and have better digestion.
2. Look At Your Food When You Eat
When watching TV, at your work desk or on the go it's so easy to absentmindedly eat something with barely a glance, then still feel like you have hardly eaten anything and want more. This is a big barrier to weight loss, as it makes it difficult for your brain to register what and how much you are eating if you don't focus your attention on your food and actually look at it. Whenever possible, look at what you're eating before taking each bite and try to avoid distractions at meal times. This will also help you to eat more slowly, remember what you have eaten, stick to a good diet and, best of all, enjoy your food more when you appreciate it with your eyes and not just your mouth.
3. Get Hands-On With Your Food
There's a part of people that loves to touch food; children want to get their hands stuck into the cake mixture, the warm feel of freshly baked crusty bread is irresistible and how better to confirm the ripeness of fruit than to give it a gentle squeeze. When it's possible (and hygienic), getting hands-on with food helps you to slow down and savour it. Being able to engage the sense of touch also helps your brain to recognise and appreciate the food before tasting it. Quickly munching a snack straight from the wrapper does your diet no favours; it will more likely leave you hankering for more.
4. Use Small Plates, Saucepans, Portion Tracker
For a lot of people, a plate of food is a normal sized meal. However, the size of the plate would therefore affect their perception of what constitutes a normal sized meal. Someone receiving half a plate of food will likely feel disappointed, but if they receive the same amount on a smaller plate they may feel that they have been given a full portion of food. YOU CAN DO THIS, TOO!!! The alternative is to use a Portion Control tool to make sure that you have the right amount of food on your plate at each meal.
Also, cooking with large saucepans will also encourage the use of more ingredients, so opt for smaller dinnerware and cookware to help with portion control and make a diet appear less restrictive.
5. Eat Earlier and Not Less Than 2 to 3 Hours Before Bed
It's tempting to have a little snack after dinner especially if you eat dinner 5 to 6 hours before bed. It's natural that you would feel hungry again especially if you are used to eating every 4 to 5 hours, but this can lead to weight gain, disturb your sleep and digestive tract. If night eating is your struggle, try eating dinner a little later than you are used to, so that it is easier to break that habit. If you eat about 3 1/2 hours earlier then you can take Skinny Fiber or Skinny Body Max before dinner and then the HiBurn8 two to three hours after dinner and completely bypass that temptation. It will take time to establish this new habit, though weight loss is about making changes and this is one that can be life changing if you do it.
What To Eat For Weight Loss Is Important To, But How & When Go Hand In Hand!
Balanced diet and exercise are essential for keeping fit and healthy but the way you eat can also affect your eating habits and weight loss goals. Taking time over your food and engaging your senses will help you to process, appreciate, stick to and get the most from your meals and diet.You are eating to nourish and not living to eat!!!
Here's To YOUR Weight Loss Success,
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