Back by popular demand ... Walk / Run Challenge!
This is a quick post to catch you up on what's going on in our weight loss support is right now. We've finished the 30 day plank challenge (woo hoo) and jumped straight into the October Fitness Challenge today. This month's exercise program is a Walk / Run Challenge that is perfect for beginners and intermediate fitness levels; if you are advanced, you can still join and participate. You would just stretch this out to 3x the routine each week and it will be an awesome workout for you, too. The goal of the October Fitness Challenge is to jump start us into either losing weight or maintaining our Skinny Fiber Weight Loss over the winter months. We want to be fit and fabulous NOT fat and flabby coming into the 2015 New Year, so each month we will have a new workout goal and you can participate whether doing the Skinny Fiber Challenge or not.
NOTE: I actually started a new 90 Day Weight Loss Challenge today, so you are welcome to get started in this Skinny Fiber program with me now - or - over the next few weeks and have that advantage to losing weight and getting healthier, too.
How To Join The October Fitness Challenge
Login to your Facebook account and go to our Facebook Group(make sure to read the description and add me as a friend)
Here is the Weight Loss Support Group link - JOIN RIGHT NOW!
If you are new to this blog and wonder about this group. It is a private group where we support one another in our weight loss goals. Each day, healthy recipes, health tips, water counts, check-ins, food tips, exercise / fitness challenges and even more loss weight loss details are posted. We're a fun group of friends and a place where people are struggling with weight loss can go when the are too embarrassed to tell family or friends that they are trying again.
*** If you know anyone who would benefit from this Weight Loss Suport Group, please make sure to invite them from the group or give them this link to join us:
Statistically, everyone benefits by having a support system like this for weight loss!
Walk / Run Fitness Challenge - What Does This Entail?
The walk run challenge is designed to help us transition into running for health and fitness. I hosted this challenge last year and it was a lot of fun ... Many of us have fallen off track with running, so by request, I have started it again and we invite you, your friends to join us.Benefits of Walking
- Helps with WEIGHT LOSS and weight maintenance- Alleviates Fatigue & Depression
- Limits Disease
- Increases Attention & Decision Making
- Cuts the risk of alzeimer's in 1/2
- Improves Blood Pressure
- Lowers risk of heart disease
- Works arms and shoulder muscles
- Reduces back pain
- Limits the risk of colon cancer by 40%
- Strengthens legs, quads, hips, hamstrings
- Improves over all fitness
- Relieves Stress
- Increases Confidence
Benefits of Running include most of the benefits of walking plus these:
- Helps burn more calories for more weight loss- Helps maintain weight loss
- Tones your body like crazy
- Decreases risk of cancer
- Decreases the risk of having a stroke, heart attack
- Helps early stages of diabetes, high blood pressure, osteoporosis
- Actually helps strengthen joints
- Helps with brain function
- Increases life expectancy for cancer survivors, smokers, ex-smokers and people w/ heart disease.
I'm sure there are more benefits to walking and running, but these should give you enough motivation to join us in this challenge and JUST DO YOUR BEST no matter what fitness level.
Look forward to seeing you there!!!
Hugs & Blessings,
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